This is a site to collect my projects. I'm very much a "make educated guesses and see how it works" person, so I'm trying my best to capture not only the "correct" path that I took but any wrong turns and misunderstandings I've made on the way. I'll call out those areas in order to make them obvious, but I feel the sections are necessary to properly capture my learning style. It should also server to provide an example that not all projects start with knowing how to do it already, but can be successful through some determination, insight, and lucky guesses at times.

Recent Posts

Flipper Zero and My Patio Lights

Having a massive (100ft) LED strip for my patio lights was a big goal when we moved into our new apartment. But we really wanted to have a little more flexibility than provided by the built-in (RF-only) controller. Using the Flipper Zero, I was able to eventually capture all the remote’s buttons to control the lights with a Raspberry Pi Pico W, a CC1101 module, and a lot of trial and error.